similar to: Help needed regarding AGC

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2005 Dec 21
Bitrate problem
But that's what a jitter buffer will do, eventually - drop a packet. And it's better to drop a silence packet. Cheers, .a -----Original Message----- From: Jean-Marc Valin [] Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 3:39 PM To: Alex Bakaev Cc: Shantanu Gramsci; Subject: RE: [Speex-dev] Bitrate problem On Wed, 2005-12-21 at 15:29 -0800,
2004 Aug 06
Proposed AGC additions
I've been using Speex's AGC in my VoIP program with mixed results. One of the problems I had was: At the beginning of the call, if the user hadn't spoken yet and there weren't any background sounds for the AGC to lock on to, most of the time the AGC would almost immediately jump way up to 200x gain (the default max). This is undesirable and usually results in nasty feedback. If
2014 Jan 08
Some Speex AGC Questions
I'm attempting to use speex preprocess for automatic gain control in an application I'm working on and could use some help. I'm using Opus as my codec. In order to keep the number of packets down, I'm using 60msec frames. I'm sampling at 48KHz as is recommended for Opus. So, the frame length is 2880 samples and the sampling rate is 48000. The source of the data is a
2005 Sep 05
Help needed regarding Echo Cancellation
Dear all, I need to use echo cancellation in a VOIP application using speex narrowband codec.I am facing some problems with echo cancellation. It will be very helpfull if someone can put some light on the following issues. 1: =================== -- When call is started EC works fine for first few seconds. Bur after a certain period [usually 20 sec or more] it does not work or works very bad
2005 Dec 21
Bitrate problem
This is a common problem. Sound cards run at different clock speeds (but your difference seems kinda high). What I'd suggest is dropping silence packets once in a while. .a -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Shantanu Gramsci Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 2:05 PM To: Subject: [Speex-dev] Bitrate
2005 Jul 27
Help needed for echo cancellation
Hello all, I use speex as codec [narrowband and wideband], echo canceller and preprocessor. I was able to use it in all case except in echo cancellation. I found that in my application, echo cancellation works only if echo tail [echo filter length] is arround 2000 ms or more. But recomended value in the documentation is 100 ms. With 2000 ms echo tail echo cancellation works fine but it takes
2009 May 28
DC component coming back after AGC
I'm getting confused, what's the problem exactly? The AGC doesn't remove the DC or it adds one? Jean-Marc Aymeric Moizard a ?crit : > Hi Jean-Marc & all, > > I'm currently working on a wav file with very low volume. > This wav also contains a DC component. > > Using testdenoise with modification (AGC turned on with > 20000.0 value) I'm able to
2007 May 29
Noise suppression less than AGC gain
Hi, I've had a small case with noise suppression and AGC. I have a fairly noisy environment here, and with the default parameters, noise suppression works fairly well while I talk. However, when I shut up, AGC starts slowly increasing the gain until it has amplified whatever noise is left to levels about equal to having no filtering at all. As soon as I talk, AGC backs down fairly quick
2007 Feb 06
svn AGC
Hi Jean Marc, I found that the AGC API and algorithm has changed in svn head trunk. Is it safe to use it? Or is it for testing purpose only? You also said that VAD in svn is broken in a previous post, is it related to the AGC change? or can we mix the old VAD algorithm with the new AGC safely? kind regards, fredo
2011 Aug 19
AGC on a phone conversation
I have a recorded conversation from an analog trunk. As usual one side is stronger that the other one. In my case, the gap between signal levels are even bigger. How does speex AGC preprocessor will perform on this type of audio recording? Maybe I am wrong and AGC is not really what I need to equalize the two persons in my phone conversation? As I Understand, AGC will perform better if each
2013 May 18
Asterisk 1.8-cert and AGC
Hi, I'm trying to use AGC in combination with Asterisk 1.8 and an odd telephone which is very loud when used with a headset and more quiet when used "normal". Regarding to the documentation, AGC should be available since * 1.6 - but every time I want to set it, the CLI tells me: -- Executing [0160xxxxxxx at intern:2] Set("SIP/intern-xxx-000000d2",
2007 May 29
Noise suppression less than AGC gain
Jean-Marc Valin wrote: >> I've had a small case with noise suppression and AGC. I have a fairly >> noisy environment here, and with the default parameters, noise >> suppression works fairly well while I talk. However, when I shut up, AGC >> starts slowly increasing the gain until it has amplified whatever noise >> is left to levels about equal to having no
2007 May 29
Noise suppression less than AGC gain
>> Yes, after I stop speaking, the noise slowly starts climbing again, and >> if I peek at st->agc_gain, that's slowly climbing too. I think part of >> the trouble is that the noise in here isn't uniform white noise; there's >> traffic outside the window and people walking in the hallway outside my >> door. Each little event is enough to cause the AGC
2008 Jul 14
A question about AGC usage
Hello All, I'm using speex codec in ARM based embedded project and really satisfied by its performances and quality (thanks a lot for speex development team for great work!). I'd like to add AGC functionality and as I actually understood it is not supported in FPU-less platforms. Is it correct? If it is, do you have any updates of preprocessor or an experience to run AGC in
2008 Sep 16
A question about AGC usage
Hi, where I can found that patch? Thanks Seif 2008/7/16 Jean-Marc Valin <jean-marc.valin at> > Hi Michael, > > Thorval Natvig posted an experimental patch to get the AGC working in > fixed-point. Can you try that and see if it works well? > > Jean-Marc > > Michael Evseev a ?crit : > > Hello All, > > > > > > > >
2014 Jan 04
Some Speex AGC Questions
I'm attempting to use speex preprocess for automatic gain control in an application I'm working on and could use some help. I'm using Opus as my codec. In order to keep the number of packets down, I'm using 60msec frames. I'm sampling at 48KHz as is recommended for Opus. So, the frame length is 2880 samples and the sampling rate is 48000. The source of the data is a
2006 Feb 03
Leaking audio and AGC/VAD
Hi, The leakage problem you describe is very, very common and you will need to do something to address it. I modified the version of Speex I use to implement an adjustable max gain. If you look at speex_compute_agc in preprocess.c, you will see: if (agc_gain>200) agc_gain = 200; This max of 200 is usually more than enough to amplify leakage which occurs either in the sound
2006 Jan 23
AGC control and how to echo cancellation?
Hi, all. When AGC enabled, I can hear echo and electronic noise. (in newest svn version) In my thought the computed gain value is too big. Which value exactly can affect to max boost level? And I want to implement the echo cancellation. Is there any example? Forgive my poor question. Thanks. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Mar 21
Who is using the jitter buffer?
Oh, I forgot to mention one thing. I currently append a few bits of custom information to each speex packet which I fetch out with things like speex_bits_unpack_unsigned(&sjJitter.current_packet, 1); It would be very usefull if the jitter buffer didn't actually decode the packet, but instead returned a pointer to it (or NULL if you should play silence and -1 if you should repeat the
2006 Apr 06
Echo cancellation performance and metalic noise
Hi, I use speex1.1.10 [June 10, 2005]in my VoIP application and it works very good for me. But sometimes I get loud metalic noise. Turning off EC, disappears the noise right away. I use EC with denoiser ON, AGC OFF, echo tail 400 ms. Has anyone experienced this? Since Speex1.1.11 has improvement for EC, I tried with the latest release [Speex1.1.12, which has fixed point EC]. But in my test, EC