In my small home network I have the following setup: main site at home: - AD-DC and - one file (member) server - one windows client and and - one Debian box - one backup server - router as VPN server during week near working place connected by VPN: - AD-DC (set up as VPN client) and - one file server - one windows client All the AD-DCs and the file servers run Samba 4.2-rc2, replication between the DCs looks good, the windows client use the correct logon server, i.e. setting up the servers and the AD sites looks OK. Both DCs run Bind 9.9, on the file servers there are Bind 9.9 slave servers. All boxes got fixed IPs. DNS works like a charm. All Linux machines are running SSSD 1.11.7, which most of the time works great... The file servers are tyically shut down over night in order not to waste unnecessary electrical power. The DCs are small machines, one Rasberry Pi and one Cubietruck, which are allways on. I only have one nasty issue: every couple of days one of member servers or the Linux client sssd stops working and I have to produce a new keytab file. When doing a klist -k /etc/sssd.keytab I see that the KVNO of the newly generated keytab is incremented by one. Does anybody have a clue on how to troubleshoot this? Did I miss to copy something from the main DC to the secondary one? Any help is greatly appretiated. I did try to search, but all the references I found, exceed the level of my technical expertise... apparently. TIA Peter