Rob Hughes wrote:
>Attached is the debug. I'm attempting to run ie6setup (don't ask).
>ideas are appreciated.
I've been "fussing" with IE6 for awhile. From what I've done,
I think
that IE6 is probably installed on your wine system, but that it just
won't run. Check your .wine/drive_c/windows/Windows Update Setup Files/
to see if all the CAB's are there. Also check
.wine/drive_c/windows/system to see if ie6setup put all the appropriate
dll's there. I don't know what "all appropriate" means but
it's a
bunch. I run IE6 with ole32, olepro32, oleaut32 and rpcrt4 all as native.
Currently, cvs updated Oct 13, I can't get IE6 to run at all. Try running
<WINEDEBUG=+loaddll wine .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Internet\
Explorer/IEXPLORE.EXE> and see if IE6 exits after the WININET.DLL call.
Then you will have replicated the same symptoms as I am currently having.
I see by the info you have provided that you are using Mike Hearn's
script. It works. I think also that if you try to run his script on
the September snapshot you'll find that IE6 works except for the Help.
I have posted to the wine developers list, but as of my response to this
my info hasn't made it yet. I hate to write more here because it will
be just duplicating info. But I will post here if my other e-mail
doesn't make it.
Good luck.