Hello, I'm on a Samsung X10 laptop (2002 or so) with this video controller: VGA compatible controller : NVIDIA Corporation NV17M [GeForce4 440 Go 64M] (rev a3) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) Lubuntu 16.04, LXDE, kernel 4.4.0-104 mSASA 64GB at a mSATA-IDE adaptor acting as hard disk. All works nicely exept resume from sleep. When doing suspend-to-RAM with the power button, machine powers up, but the screen will remain dark after resuming. No way to come back (brightness, F8, ctrl-alt-F1 or so). sudo pm-suspend works nicely, but after resume the display is stretched twofold, so I can only see half of the screen. sudo pm-hibernate is allright. Any ideas what I should do are hightly appreciated, my girlfriend would really be happy. Cheers, Wolf