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> On Oct 3, 2016, at 4:15 PM, Jon 'Boli' Copeland wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'd like to modify an existing driver to support my Victron Multiplus
> inverter/charger. This device is not supported by the victron driver.
> I do have serial protocol definition from Victron - which is a big bonus...
> Could anyone tell me which of the existing drivers will be easiest to
> modify? Thanks
If you have the protocol definition, you are currently in a better position to
answer that question :-)
Are there any restrictions on public redistribution of the protocol
specification? We have a library of protocol documents online, and it would be
helpful to include the Victron one, if permitted:
How similar do the commands look? Here is the update function in the victronups
The Megatec protocol is a common starting point when a manufacturer decides to
change out the control board. The latest driver to cover this protocol family
("Q*") is the `nutdrv_qx` driver, and it has its own section in the
NUT Developer Manual: