says the quake enemy territory world editor works now.
(I don't think it has an appdb entry... I'll ping him and see if
he wants to add one.)
--- snip ---
Great, GREAT news for mappers on Linux!!!
Hi there fellow Free Software fanatics! I come bearing gifts!
As anyone who has seen the majority of my (few) posts on this site
will tell you, I have been bitching a lot about the fact that the ETQW
SDK design tools (world edit etc) are restricted to the windows
Well, thanks to the amazing work by the wine developers in bringing us
wine version 0.9.59 with improved .net support, ETQW SDK tools such as
world edit and the others now work under wine on linux! I am a bit
exited about this progress to be honest and I haven't done a thorough
test of all available apps but so far everything is working very well,
including loading up an example .world file! Even with compiz running!
I have attached a screenshot showing the wine/linux/compiz/ETQW SDK goodness .
I think this calls for a dancing banana!
OS: Ubuntu Hardy Heron, latest updates.
Wine version: 0.9.59 (compiled, as this version is not yet in Hardy repos).
You need to have the game installed under wine as well (might be
possible to use the native linux client but I haven't tested that
yet). Once you have that, all you need to do is download the ETQW sdk
[, install, and run]:
wine ETQW-SDK-1.4.exe
wine "c:\Program Files\id Software\Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars\SDK
(ubuntu users can just click the sdklauncher menu entry )
It may take a while to start the tools from the menu first time around
but subsequent launches are much faster.
ps, sorry for the excessive exclamation marks If anyone runs into
trouble feel free to pm me for help.
I should also point out that the tools have gone from not working at
all in wine 0.9.58 to working (so far) flawlessly in wine 0.9.59. With
wine version 1.0 due out soon the progress in getting windows apps
running in such a seamless way is great to see!
--- snip ---