My site is an external Facebook app. I need users to come to the start page and if they are not already logged into their Facebook account (and have the app installed) see a button to take them to the Facebook login/install page. Using RFacebook, login is normally achieved with a before_filter. The user is sent to the Facebook login/install page and then the app redirects them back to one of my pages. In a story, am I supposed to mock out that filter method to set the necessary variables and do the redirection or what? I haven''t seen any examples that use mocks in stories. Also am I right in thinking that if I am to mock this then I will need to use something like Mocha? My initial draft looks like this: Story ''An unlogged in user'', %{ As an unlogged in user I want to log in to my Facebook account and start using MyApp }, :type => RailsStory do Scenario ''starts at /'' do When ''arrive at /'' do get ''/'' end Then ''the user should see the MyApp home page'' do response.should render_template(''/sessions/index'') end When ''the user clicks the log in/install button'' do post ''/'' end Then ''the user should be redirected to the Facebook login/MyApp install page and on success back to their personal MyApp home page'' do ### What might go here??? end end end