Hello Amaury,
Am 30.10.2014 um 22:23 schrieb Amaury Viera Hern?ndez:> The active directory in my organization storage 30000 users and many
> groups and objects. Is samba 4.1.13 prepared for this task?
What are your requirements? Just an AD that keeps 30000 users? Should be
I don't know something about the performance with such many objects.
Maybe someone else can share his/her experiences on large Samba AD
But do you have any other requirements, than just having 30000 users?
Trusts, special DNS stuff like AD based zone forwarders, etc. ? There
we're coming to situations, where Samba have some not supported features
(yet). What further requirements to your AD do you have?
> What is the samba4 recommended version?
> The future stable 4.1.2?
> Samba 4.1.13?
I guess you mean 4.2. This will be the next new release. Final would be
released in nov/dec.
Currently 4.2 is in RC state. So I would not recommend it for
production. Use the latest version of the 4.1 series.
But you have to do intensive testings anyway for switching a large
environment to Samba. So try the latest 4.2rc2 and if everything works,
wait for the final and go live with 4.2 final. If you find any bugs,
report them. ;-)