I want to ask the list for an advice.
This is my situation:
A single local AD domain ruled by a single ADDC (Windows 2003). This
machine is quite faulty and has been overloaded with crap that rendered
it quite unstable and unsafe.
I want to move the Active Directory part of this junkserver to a clean
Samba 4.1 ADDC (using CentOS + Sernet packages).
In my mind i figured out that what I want to achieve is done by:
- adding Samba4 machine to the domain as domain controller
- move all FSMO roles to the Samba4 DC (trough win RSAT)
- manually rsync SysVol (win2003-->Samba4)to get all the last changes
- demote the win2003 DC to a member
is this safe to do?
Is it better to just add Samba4 and scheduled rsync and only in the case
of win2003 failure go through the FSMO moving and its demotion to member?
are there any issues or caveats I have to stay away from?
any suggestion?
Lorenzo Faleschini
IT Manager @ Nord Est Systems srl
m: +39 335 6055225 | skype: falegalizeit