Postdoctoral Position Announcement
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, Maryland
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is seeking to fill a
post-doctoral / guest researcher position to work on greenhouse gas emissions
and dispersion modeling, including atmospheric flux inversions. As part of its
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and Climate Science Measurements program, NIST is
developing advanced measurement tools and standards to independently verify
greenhouse gas emissions data both nationally and internationally. The
Indianapolis Flux Project (INFLUX) was initiated as part of this program to
demonstrate the use of spatially dense, surface-based observing networks to
locate GHG sources with a top-down methodology, and determine their flux at the
targeted levels of accuracy.
The successful applicant will conduct research using Bayesian and/or non
Bayesian statistical methods to estimate emission fluxes and their associated
un-certainties. The candidate will also work closely with other researchers in
the field of mesoscale atmospheric models (WRF), Lagrangian particle models,
tracer-transport and emission inventories to develop novel methodologies for
estimating the flux of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere. The candidate will have
the opportunity to collaborate within an inter-disciplinary team of scientists /
engineers at various universities and research laboratories.
Interested applicants should submit a CV, a cover letter describing their
research interests, and names of three references to Dr. Kuldeep Prasad (kprasad
at<mailto:kprasad at>) or Dr. Israel Lopez-Coto (inl at<mailto:inl at>). We are accepting applications from US
Citizens (post-doctoral position) as well as from foreign nationals (guest
researcher position). Review of applications will begin immediately and continue
until the position is filled. Appointment will be made initially for one year,
with possibility of extension for additional years.
Position Qualifications: The applicant should have an advanced degree in
Statistics, Geostatistics or related discipline. Experience with geospatial data
is required as well as extensive programming experience. Familiarity with
Unix/Linux environment is strong plus.
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