On Jul 24, 2014, at 8:37 PM, Eduardo M. A. M.Mendes <emammendes at> wrote:
> Hello
> I have recently upgraded R to the newest version. Unfortunately my old
(fortran and C) R-package cannot be installed anymore (was built before R 3.0.0:
please re-install it).
> I have tried R CMD INSTALL package_name but I noticed that
R-3.1.1-binary-mac requests gcc-4.8.2 and specific locations for the libraries
(gcc and gfortran).
No, it doesn't. You must be using some other binary that the official CRAN
one ( )
Our binaries only use standard Apple compilers (from Xcode - in recent OS X
versions you can use xcode-select --install on the command line to install) plus
a GNU Fortran that you can download from CRAN.
> Can someone point me to the documentation on how to install gcc as R
requires, please?
> Please note that I have used "brew install gcc" on another mac
and soft linked all the necessary libraries so that gcc-4.9.1 can be used as 4.8
(as R requires). However I would like a clean installation.
I you use brew, then you're on your own and you should refer to their
support. Our builds do not require brew (or any other 3rd party build system).
PS: Please note that R-SIG-Mac is the proper mailing list for Mac-specific