similar to: R-3.1.1 - R CMD INSTALL problem

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2011 Mar 13
readMat - how to retrieve the variables
Hello I have a matlab MAT file that contains one single variable: a. The structure of a is as follows: a.river1.flow (flow values) a.river1.date_flow (date) a.river1.precip (precipitation values) a.river1.date_precip a.river2.flow a.river2.date_flow a.river2.precip a.river2.date_precip I have used readMat to load the variable a in R, however I have no idea how readMat translates a. I managed
2011 Jul 13
Rcompression on MAC - where is it?
Hello I need to run an r-file that works on Windows on MAC. The first lines of the file are: library(R.matlab) library(Rcompression) Somehow I cannot find where Rcompression is. Am I missing something? Many thanks Ed
2011 Jul 17
How to convert number (matlab) to date
Hello I am new to R and I need to convert some dates (numeric format by matlab) to actual dates in R. For instance, Matlab -> 730456 -> >> datestr(730456) ans = 02-Dec-1999 R - > library(zoo) > as.Date(730456) [1] "3969-12-03" I don't not mind the output format but it needs to be right. Many thanks Ed
2011 Aug 15
Regression - how to deal with past values?
Dear R-users I need to fit a nonlinear model to a piece of data. The model to be fitted uses past values of the input and the ouput - something like y(k) ~ f(y(k-1),y(k-2),u(k),u(k-1) ....) (k is time index). As far as I know I could use earth(MARS), nnet and etc but I am not sure how to deal with the past values since most, if not all, examples I saw formula does not take in account past
2011 Sep 02
How to keep the same class?
Hello Please see the example below > class(testX) [1] "matrix" > class(testX[1,]) [1] "numeric" Why not matrix? What am I missing here? Is there a way to keep the same class? The reason for the question is that I want to implement a k-step ahead prediction for my own routines and R wrecks does not seem to like [1,] as shown below. >
2011 Aug 18
Concatenate two strings in one in a string matrix
Dear R-Users I have the following matrix > out$desc [,1] [,2] [1,] "" "" [2,] "y_{01}(k-001)" "" [3,] "y_{01}(k-002)" "" [4,] "y_{01}(k-003)" "" [5,] "u_{01}(k-001)" "" [6,] "u_{01}(k-002)" "" [7,] "u_{01}(k-003)" ""
2008 Aug 29
Newbie: Examples on functions callling a library etc.
Hello R is pretty new to me. I need to write a function that returns three matrices of different dimensions. In addition, I need to call a function from a contributed package with the function. I have browsed several manuals and docs but the examples on them are either very simple or extremely hard to follow. Many thanks Ed [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jul 26
How to use as.Date (or something else) with "31-Jul-2010 23:59:00"
Hello I have a huge file (not an R-file) in which the first column is a string with date, hour, minutes and seconds (For instance, "31-Jul-2010 23:59:00"). I tried as.Date but the error msg was "Error in charToDate(x) : character string is not in a standard unambiguous format". I have checked the help for the function as well as date but to no avail. How can that sort
2010 Aug 06
brew equivalent of "R CMD Sweave"
Dear all Is there an equivalent of "R CMD Sweave" for brew [1] documents? Something in the lines of "R CMD brew"? Can R be configured to parse brew documents from the commandline, without opening an interactive R session and issuing the following? require(brew) brew("featurefull.brew") I would like to set a LyX converter for brew documents, and for this I'd need
2011 Jul 30
Plot.xts - how to change the x-axis labels to show weekly labels.
Dear R-users I am new to R and struggling not to bother the list with silly questions. I read the documentation on xts and searched for some examples over the internet on how to use plot.xts. The xts object is as follows dataxts : An 'xts' object from 2010-06-27 to 2010-08-05 containing: Data: num [1:56161, 1:14] 74 74.2 74.2 74.1 73.9 ... Indexed by objects of
2011 Nov 08
Building package problem
Dear R-users I am trying to recompile a CRAN package on Windows 32. Rtools for 2.14 (that is the version I am running) and miktex were sucessfully installed on my machine. Problems: a) hydroGOF is a CRAN package, but R CMD check does not work on it. C:\Users\eduardo\Documents\R_tests2>R CMD check hydroGOF * using log directory 'C:/Users/eduardo/Documents/R_tests2/hydroGOF.Rcheck'
2016 Dec 02
pdftools on Ubuntu
Hi, I am trying to install pdftools package on R 3.3.1 (Ubuntu 16.04), but the following issue occurs: ------------------------- ANTICONF ERROR --------------------------- Configuration failed because poppler-cpp was not found. Try installing: * deb: libpoppler-cpp-dev (Debian, Ubuntu, etc) * rpm: poppler-cpp-devel (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL) * csw: poppler_dev (Solaris) * brew: poppler (Mac OSX)
2012 Mar 28
Nested brew call yields Error in, 28) : unused argument(s) (26, 28)
I am writing several webpages using the brew package and R2HTML. I would like to work off one script so I am using nested brew calls. The documentation for brew states that: "NOTE: brew calls can be nested and rely on placing a function named ? in the environment in which it is passed. Each time brew is called, a check for the existence of this function is made. If it exists,
2010 Feb 17
Problems with xyplot
Hello I wonder whether someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. Here is the code (from Bayesian Computation with R - Chapter 2.3.R) that I am trying to run #################################### # Section 2.3 Using a Discrete Prior #################################### # Close all graphics rm(list=ls()) # Clear all variables library(LearnBayes)
2017 Jun 01
odfWeave - A loop of the "same" data
On Thu, 1 Jun 2017, POLWART, Calum (COUNTY DURHAM AND DARLINGTON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST) via R-help wrote: > Before I go and do this another way - can I check if anyone has a way of > looping through data in odfWeave (or possibly sweave) to do a repeating > analysis on subsets of data? > > For simplicity lets use mtcars dataset in R to explain. Dataset looks like this: >
2011 Aug 04
Sweave - landscape figure
Dear R-users I am trying to understand how Sweave works by running some simple examples. In the example I am working with there is a chunk where the R-commands related to plotting a figure are placed. When running R CMD Sweave ? , pdflatex the output is a portrait figure. I wonder whether it would be possible to change the orientation to landscape (not in the latex file but in Rnw file). Many
2019 Jan 31
1.1~pre17 is no longer available for OSX from Homebrew.
Hey Folks, It seems that Homebrew for some reason arbitrarily decided to banish all of the --devel flavors from all of their installable packages.  I couldn't find any discussion as to why or what they intend to replace the function with. **update;  this is where they decided to do this; But in the meantime, 1.1pre17 is
2016 Dec 02
pdftools on Ubuntu
Hi Francois, Thanks for your quick response. Actually, I had already done that... sudo apt-get install libpoppler-cpp-dev Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done libpoppler-cpp-dev is already the newest version (0.41.0-0ubuntu1.1). 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 107 not upgraded. Therefore, I assume I have this installed. Best
2009 Feb 21
Install failure (PR#13545)
Hello: Encountered a problem installing R on CentOS release 5.2 This is a 64bit OS I need to know if this will work on this server or do I need to change OS> Thanks Bob I downloaded the source ( R-2.8.1.tar.gz ) due to no release being available for CentOS. My ./configure --with-x=no --with-readline=no R_PAPERSIZE='letter' Failed: ./configure --with-x=no --with-readline=no
2012 Dec 28
installing ruby 1.9.3 in michael hartl's ruby on rails tutorial
I''m working on Michael Hartl''s ruby on rails tutorial . I installed Git, updated my OS to 10.8.2 and downloaded XCode 4.5.2. when I type in rvm install 1.9.3 this long thing comes up... Ruby (and needed base gems) for your selection will be installed shortly. Before it happens, please read and