On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 1:42 PM, Greg Waite
<Greg.Waite at jila.colorado.edu> wrote:> Hi,
> I've been playing around with a 2x2 distributed replicated setup with
> replicating group 1 having a different brick size than replicating group 2.
> I've been running into "out of disk" errors when the smaller
> pair disks fill up. I know of the minimum free disk feature which should
> prevent this issue. My question is, are there features that allow gluster
> smartly use different brick sizes so extra space on larger bricks do not go
> unused?
> Thanks
It looks like different sized bricks will be a core feature in 3.6
(coming soon).
Stay tuned! For now, don't run out of space :)