On Saturday, October 19, 2013 7:33:12 PM UTC+1, Srdjan Cengic
> Hy,
> I have some table in my DB like following: *Post(id, title, content,
> created_at, updated_at)*
> First question, what type ActiveRecord returns?
> For example if i do something like: @posts = Post.all, through debugger i
> can see:
> #<ActiveRecord::Relation
> *[*#<Post id: 1, title: "My first post", content:
"Zdravo, ovo je moj
> prvi post.", created_at: "2013-10-17 10:06:55", updated_at:
> 10:06:55">,
> #<Post id: 3, title: "My second post", content: "Zdravo,
ovo je moj drugi
> post.", created_at: "2013-10-17 11:11:29", updated_at:
> 11:11:29">,
> #<Post id: 18, title: "My third post", content: "Dobar
dan, ovo je moj
> treci post.", created_at: "2013-10-18 11:31:07",updated_at:
> 11:31:07">*]*>
> So this is array of hashes? or array of Post objects?
> I n rails 3, this is an array of Post objects (on rails 4 it is an
ActiveRecord::Relation, but you can still treat it as an array of Post
> Second if i do something like:
> @post = Post.first (this will return Post object?)
> Yes.
then through debugger i can do: @post.id> Here, i''m guessing, because each model is inherit from
> ActiveRecord will create accessor for each column in table that represent
> model?
> Because that i can write something like @post.id or @post.id = 100.
> So internally ActiveRecord does something like attr_accessor :id for Post
> model? (and for every other column in posts table, attr_accesor: title,
ActiveRecord creates accessors for you (although they are not the same as
the ones that would be created by attr_accessor)
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