Rails - Nov 2013

Saturday November 30 2013
8:45PM 1 Need good tutorial on ActiveRecord associations
5:10AM 1 Javascript and Ruby on rails
Friday November 29 2013
10:18PM 4 Form data not uploading to sqlite database
4:39PM 0 String extensions
10:02AM 4 Capistarno deploy each time ckeditor assets removed.
9:14AM 1 problem with--- "rspec install"
5:12AM 0 Bio metric Interaction
Thursday November 28 2013
11:04PM 0 rails how to make tasks
5:32PM 0 vagrant vm - local os x development workflow approaches?
2:51PM 1 Import Hotmail contacts
12:32PM 1 fe_sendauth: no password supplied
7:00AM 1 Cocaine::CommandNotFoundError while using ffmpeg
6:33AM 1 Create email and grep the recieved emails.
4:26AM 0 rails generate session_migration -e production
Wednesday November 27 2013
11:26PM 3 Retrieve only values with .select method
5:04PM 1 geokit & ruby 2
3:28PM 7 ‘Learn Ruby on Rails’ book is free today
2:37PM 1 Configuring Rails 4 for API backend
1:58PM 0 Are you looking for Ruby on Rails developer?
1:38PM 3 Passing hash with redirect_to
Tuesday November 26 2013
11:14PM 2 '$ rake db:create' don't work!
5:05PM 2 Please can Someone help me install Fedena School system on my cpanel...
11:33AM 0 Chennai Ruby Jan 18 Meet up
11:07AM 1 how to store ldap data in ruby on rails application database?
9:04AM 0 Ruby on Rails @ Startups FREE meetup
6:28AM 1 Raising exception in call back
Monday November 25 2013
11:49PM 1 has_many :through
7:42PM 1 Error while using a Named Route for navigation
Sunday November 24 2013
9:59AM 2 Saying "Hello world" with Ruby on Rails (Tutorial)
Saturday November 23 2013
11:22AM 2 Ruby on Rails - Database or excel
Friday November 22 2013
3:14PM 4 Delayed JOB ISSUE
2:57PM 1 [JOBS] Fresh Rake File Error when creating project or launch rails server
12:10PM 2 Cancan Rspec load_and_authorize_resource
9:22AM 0 Rails for a final year project
8:39AM 2 How to configure Microsoft Exchange Server using ActionMailer
5:15AM 4 ApplicationController class method not being called each page load
1:41AM 1 Convenient and Effective way to transfer Canon XF100 /XF305 MXF to Sony Vegas Pro 12
12:12AM 2 Authentication for both web & api
Thursday November 21 2013
12:28PM 2 Inserting/Updating Join Tables
3:46AM 2 #5 Getting Up and Running
2:29AM 4 Ruby on Rails Blogging for Newbies?
Wednesday November 20 2013
9:10PM 0 Railties-4.0.1 - what happened to rake tmp:clear
5:34PM 3 add class variable to all models using concern to extend AR?
1:09PM 2 Hello, someone used to an online spree ....
12:04PM 3 Rails 4, subdomain routing
Tuesday November 19 2013
9:03PM 4 Noob to rails TDD - looking for just one complete and simple example.
7:55PM 10 Caching unexpected behaviour
2:35PM 0 Best Way to Import HC-X800 1080 60p/50p MTS to iMovie HD
2:07PM 5 ActiveRecord simple question about date
1:35PM 0 rails + cname + openshift.com
7:35AM 0 [JOBS] Lead Web Developer
Monday November 18 2013
7:03PM 15 Adding role's field to users
4:03PM 1 wrong number of arguements (1 for 0) on ActiveRecord::Base#send
12:15PM 1 Phonegap + Rails to render the views. How does Facebook Connect work then?
9:36AM 0 Restful routing, restful versus non-restful routes
9:29AM 1 Restful Routing and restful versus non-restful routes
Sunday November 17 2013
7:24PM 1 Free Videos: Deploying a Rails app to a VPS
6:54PM 0 Retrieve host info in Rake task ?
6:08AM 3 why is my rspec controller test for get method not working?
Friday November 15 2013
1:10PM 0 rails engines testing with logs
7:37AM 0 How to share user session to different top level domains belonging to the same rails app?
7:21AM 2 Brakeman scanner installation
Thursday November 14 2013
6:50PM 0 2014 Fukuoka Ruby Award Competition -Entries to be judged by Matz
1:41PM 0 Rails engine with Zeus
12:41PM 10 Render to clear textbox
9:27AM 2 avoiding duplicate string writing
7:46AM 0 Sass caching issue in development.
6:20AM 0 Err in Documentation
Wednesday November 13 2013
1:30PM 7 How to use javascript variables in ruby
1:13PM 2 Cannot receive from specified address Unauthenticated senders not allowed
12:53PM 0 Lead Rails Developer – Berlin - Visasponsoring
9:08AM 0 mysql4.0
Tuesday November 12 2013
2:40PM 7 Hook into Exception Chain
11:48AM 4 Submit a form remotely
Monday November 11 2013
7:13PM 0 can any one solve this problem
7:02PM 6 has_many question
3:40PM 3 Looking for iPad app developer
Sunday November 10 2013
11:24PM 3 accepts_nested_attributes_for how, example
1:31PM 0 What's New in Rails? New List (Wiki Page on GitHub) for Finding Rails News
Saturday November 9 2013
9:19PM 0 Creation of object which doesn't have model, while creation need to create several entries in other
4:42PM 1 ActiveRecord return normal?
11:50AM 6 Learning Ruby - Don't give up
1:54AM 1 how to search the phrase of numbers
Friday November 8 2013
5:41PM 3 create action, fails validation, renders new and then calls the index action silent the background?
4:12PM 0 ActionController::Live and SSE problem
10:23AM 0 Image Fingerprinting in Rails 4
9:10AM 0 doc:app does not include html and js files
6:24AM 2 Export CSV
5:55AM 3 How do I use Chef to manage database parameters?
1:54AM 4 240.chr different on Linux than Windows?
Thursday November 7 2013
9:40PM 0 grouped_collection_select for has_many :through Association not Updating
3:25PM 2 Free ad space if you donate to RVM
2:29PM 1 Ruby code on Chef as a "ruby_block" not working
6:11AM 3 Ruby on Rails for Beginners
Wednesday November 6 2013
1:21PM 5 Is it possible with Rails to interact with SVN Server and/or the server's shell?
9:46AM 0 My first Ruby on Rails application
Tuesday November 5 2013
11:52PM 3 rails 4 logging during development, surpress asset messages?
3:49PM 1 Assets without fingerprint with rails 4
9:18AM 0 (unknown)
12:54AM 1 Twitter and Facebook Integration
Monday November 4 2013
1:13PM 4 can anyone please suggest me from where I need to start learning ruby on rails..??
1:02AM 0 How to do the validation
Saturday November 2 2013
8:16PM 23 Can we keep validation in memcached ?
2:20PM 0 Invoker - 1.0.3 version released
Friday November 1 2013
7:50PM 0 Rails 4.0.1 has been released!
5:58PM 0 Using Chef to set the database name, username, and password
2:20PM 6 rails 2D array access in Helper method