I was trying to set up gitlab using this module
(https://github.com/sbadia/puppet-gitlab) with some modification to work
with RVM and RHEL 6. I got everything working except the gitlab service
wouldn''t start.
The service is defined as:
> service {
> ''gitlab'':
> ensure => running,
> pattern => ''puma'',
> hasrestart => true,
> enable => true,
> hasstatus => false,
> subscribe => File[''/etc/init.d/gitlab''],
> }
The related output from agent with debug enabled:
> Debug: Service[gitlab](provider=redhat): Executing ''ps
> Debug: Executing ''/sbin/chkconfig gitlab''
> Debug: Executing ''/sbin/service gitlab start''
> Debug: Executing ''/sbin/chkconfig gitlab''
> Notice: /Stage[main]/Gitlab::Server/Service[gitlab]/ensure: ensure changed
> ''stopped'' to ''running''
> Debug: /Stage[main]/Gitlab::Server/Service[gitlab]: The container
> Class[Gitlab::Server] will propagate my refresh even
> t
> Info: /Stage[main]/Gitlab::Server/Service[gitlab]: Unscheduling refresh on
> Service[gitlab]
> Debug: Class[Gitlab::Server]: The container Stage[main] will propagate my
> refresh event
> Debug: Finishing transaction 70257873749220
It seems the /sbin/service gitlab start got executed. But the service is
not started (no entries in log either). However, if I manually run service
gitlab start, it works fine.
I noticed that there is a line saying "Unscheduling refresh on
Service[gitlab]". Not sure why and if it has anything to do with it. Any
advice? Thanks.
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