You should define it as
:on => :collection
Problem is you defined it as :member, so it expects an id to be
passed, so the expected url would look like /home/:id/login
Hope this helps!
On 29 feb, 15:14, amvis
wrote:> Here i am using *rails3*, here the view.html.erb form have one login
> button, so when i click on that button, gives no routes matches :controller
> => ''home'', :action => ''login''.
But i have put that in routes.rb. Why this
> happening?
> *view.html.erb*
> <%= form_tag( { :controller => ''home'', :action
=> ''login'' }, { :method => ''post''}) do
> <%= text_field(:name, :name, :class => "span2",:placeholder
=> "Username") %>
> <%= password_field_tag(:password, :password, :class
=>"span2") %>
> <%= submit_tag "Login", :class => "btn
btn-primary" %>
> <% end %>
> routes.rb
> resources :home do
> post :login, :on => :member
> end
> homecontroller.rb
> class HomeController < ApplicationController
> def login
> end
> end
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