I''m not sure what version of Rails you''re using, looking at
your routes
file I''m guessing Rails 2.
You can check if your route exists by entering "rake routes" on the
command line, if your POST route isn''t in there is a problem in your
routes file.
I think it''s more likely that the problem is in your form though, you
<% form_for :allocation, :url => allocations_path do |f| %>
Try changing it to:
<% form_for @allocation do |f| %>
You can find the documentation for form_for in Rails 2.3.8 here:
On 26-1-2011 22:25, Craig Leppan wrote:> Have routes as:
> ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
> map.resources :allocations
> map.resources :companies, :has_many => :notes, :shallow => true
> map.resources :notes, :only => [:index]
> map.suppliers ''suppliers'', :controller =>
"companies", :action =>
> "indexs"
> map.clients ''clients'', :controller =>
> # /companies/:1/allocations
> map.allocations ''companies/:id/allocations'',
:controller =>
> "allocations", :action => "show"
> map.allocations ''companies/:id/allocations/new'',
:controller =>
> "allocations", :action => "new"
> map.namespace :admin do |admin|
> admin.resources :users, :roles, :assignments
> end
> map.login "login", :controller =>
"user_sessions", :action => "new"
> map.logout "logout", :controller =>
"user_sessions", :action =>
> "destroy"
> map.resources :user_sessions
> map.resources :admin_users
> map.resources :admin_roles
> map.resources :welcomes
> map.resources :users
> map.resources :messages
> map.resources :companies
> map.resources :contacts
> map.resources :focs
> map.resources :tops
> map.resources :products
> map.resources :tocs
> map.connect '':controller/:action/:id''
> map.connect '':controller/:action/:id.:format''
> end
> I have a page /allocations/new:
> <h1>Allocations for:<%= @company.name %></h1>
> <table class="users" border="0"
cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1">
> <tr class="header">
> <th>Product</th>
> <th>Quantity</th>
> </tr>
> <% for allocation in @company.allocations %>
> <tr>
> <td><%=h allocation.allocated_product.name %></td>
> <td><%=h allocation.quantity %></td>
> </tr>
> <% end %>
> </table>
> <br>
> <p>
> <% form_for :allocation, :url => allocations_path do |f| %>
> <%= f.hidden_field :company_id, :value => @company.id %>
> <%= f.collection_select(:allocated_product_id, Product.find(:all),
> :id, :name, :include_blank => false) %>
> <%= f.label :quantity %><%= f.text_field :quantity %>
> <p><%= submit_tag "Create Allocation" %></p>
> <% end %>
> When submitting I cannot get the "create" action:
> Parameters: {"commit"=>"Create Allocation",
> "id"=>"1",
> "company_id"=>"1"},
> I think this is a very silly issue but its making me go in circles:
> I have noted that I dont have a POST method in the named routes
> "Allocations", has this anything to do with it?
> I have tried to mess with the Class HTML when submitting the form but
> cant get it to run.
> My controller looks as such:
> def new
> @company = Company.find(params[:id])
> @allocation = Allocation.new
> end
> def create
> @allocation = Allocation.new(params[:allocations])
> if @allocations.save
> flash[:notice] = "Successfully created allocations."
> redirect_to new_allocation_path(:company_id)
> else
> render :action => ''new''
> end
> end
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