Just added the possibility to ignore events permanently:
#some code
or with a block of code:
ArEventComment.ignore_ar_events(:before_create) do
#some code
The code is on github: http://github.com/raphinou/ArEvents
On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Raphael Bauduin
wrote:> Hi,
> I needed to be able to add actions to be taken during the lifecycle of
> ActiveRecord object, but needed to configure it dynamically.
> Observers were not flexible enough and I ended up developing ArEvents,
> which lets you easily attach and detach event listeners, the events
> correspond to the active record callbacks.
> If you have an existing model, just include the ArEvents module:
> ArEventComment.send(:include, ArEvents)
> and you can then add event listeners:
> ArEventComment.add_ar_event_listener(:before_validation,
> An event listener is simply a class with a class method named trigger
> that takes 2 arguments: the event fired and the object fireing the
> event:
> class ArEventCommentListener
> def self.trigger(evt, obj)
> puts "event #{evt} triggered by object #{obj.inspect}"
> end
> end
> I''m not yet using it in production, but tests pass as expected.
> You can find the code at http://github.com/raphinou/ArEvents
> All comments and suggestions are of course welcome!
> Raphaël
> --
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