On Oct 14, 2009, at 1:10 PM, Ale Ds wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am developing a web apps,
> and I have to chose which method is better (for me): Tags or Full text
> tagging ?
> Usually when a user inserts a certain text content, he have to tags
> it,
> so other users can retrive the content.
> Inserting tags it a boring works for users, then I am locking for some
> system for auto-tagging the whole text contents (about 50 words).
> A simple methods is counting a word in all content entries, and if the
> word''s number is quite hight the word become a TAG.
> This methods is not bad, but IMHO it is slow.
> Do you have some idea, or does already exist some gem, to implement
> auto-tagging ?
> Thank you,
Why not just full text search the content and skip tags entirely?
Maybe sphinx with the thinking-sphinx plugin...