Debugging email can be fun!
Try this:
Here''s a simple mail setup (assuming you''re using smtp)
Change the details to your domain, username etc. and run this in irb.
If the mail sends, it''s likely a problem with ActionMailer Setup in
If the mail doesn''t send, it''s likely an issue with your login
or with the smtp domain.
Also, check that
config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
in production.rb - the error messages could give helpful clues.
Hope that helps
Adam Meyer wrote:> Hey everyone
> I put my developed app first time in production mode. Now I see that the
> Mails are not sent by the app. The strange think is, that it already
> sent mails in development environment. But only sometimes.
> How can I debug the mail sending by actionmailer? I have no idea where
> to start.
> Thanks in advance...
> Adam
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