On Nov 29, 2007 12:09 PM, blinking bear
wrote:> Hey - this is pretty ugly and probably not even considered Metaprogramming,
> but have a look/laugh and please suggest a more elegant way:
> Basically, I just want to loop through an array of variables to look for in
> the params hash and set them to instance variables with the same name or
> them to '''' if non-existant in the hash:
> [:criteria, :sort_by, :ord].each { |key| eval("@#{key} =
params[:#{key}] ||
> ''''") }
> all this does is just evaluate the following lines:
> @criteria = params[:criteria]
> @sort_by = params[:sort_by]
I''m not sure what this is buying you.
You might consider using Object#instance_variable_set instead of eval.
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