Snippet posted to: These methods test that the routes for resources defined in routes.rb are working as expected. Call them from your functional (controller) tests. Add the following 3 methods to test/test_helper.rb: # Test for routes generated by map.resource (singular). def assert_routing_for_resource(controller, skip=[], nesting=[]) routes = [ ["new",''/new'',{},:get], ["create",'''',{},:post], ["show",'''',{},:get], ["edit",'';edit'',{},:get], ["update",'''',{},:put], ["destroy",'''',{},:delete] ] check_resource_routing(controller, routes, skip, nesting) end # Test for routes generated by map.resources (plural). def assert_routing_for_resources(controller, skip=[], nesting=[]) routes = [ ["index",'''',{},:get], ["new",''/new'',{},:get], ["create",'''', {},:post], ["show",''/1'',{:id=>''1''},:get], ["edit",''/1;edit'',{:id=>''1''},:get], ["update",''/1'',{:id=>''1''},:put], ["destroy",''/1'', {:id=>''1''},:delete] ] check_resource_routing(controller, routes, skip, nesting) end # Check that the expected paths will be generated by a resource, and that # the expected params will be generated by paths defined by a resource. # routes is array of [action, url string after controller, extra params]. def check_resource_routing(controller, routes, skip=[], nesting=[]) # set a prefix for nested resources prefix = nesting.join(''s/1/'') unless prefix.blank? prefix += "s/1/" end # Add params for nested resources. # For each ''nest'', include a ":nest_id=>''1''" param. params = {} nesting.each do |param| params["#{param}_id".to_sym] = ''1'' end # Test each of the standard resource routes. routes.each do |pair| unless skip.include? pair[0] assert_generates("/#{prefix}#{controller}#{pair[1]}", {:controller=>controller, :action=>pair[0]}.merge(pair[2]).merge(params), {}, {}, "Failed generation of resource route for action #{pair[0]} / #{prefix}#{controller}#{pair[1]}") assert_recognizes( {:controller=>controller, :action=>pair[0]}.merge(pair[2]).merge(params), {:path=>"/ #{prefix}#{controller}#{pair[1]}", :method=>pair[3]}, {}, "Failed to recognize resource route for path #{pair[3]}:/ #{prefix}#{controller}#{pair[1]}") end end end EXAMPLES You can specify actions to ''skip'' (if you have a special route for that action). If using nested resources, set the nesting array (use singular strings). So, if you have the following in routes.rb: map.make_thing ''/make'', :controller=>''things'', :action=>''new'' map.resources :nests do |nest| nest.resources :things end map.resource :foo then you can use the following in things_controller_test.rb: def test_resource_routing assert_routing_for_resources ''things'', [''new''], [''nest''] assert_routing_for_resource ''foo'' end --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-unsubscribe-/ For more options, visit this group at -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---