As you alluded to, in all my controllers I have a before_filter that
verifies and pre-populates instance variables of the main object(s) in the
page. If you''re using AAA, you can just access
''current_user'' object which
should always be the logged in user, alleviating the issue of forgery. This
renders the user id in the URL uneccessary altogether. If you''re not
AAA, you can set a before_filter such as:
def set_user
@user = User.find(session[:user_id])
So then in your update method, you would just do a
As for other controllers, it''s good to ensure the association
isn''t forged
as well. So in, say, an AssetsController you could have a before_filter
def set_variables
@user = User.find(session[:user_id])
@asset = @user.assets.find(params[:id])
hope that helps,
On 3/2/07, John Smith
> I have a RESTful User class, but the User actions (minus new and create)
> require an application user to be logged in. This leads me to a bit of a
> REST conundrum.
> The edit action for a specific User is obviously access with an url like
> But I do not want the User with ID 1 to be able to edit User with ID
> with;edit
> I am curious as to how people are handling situations like this.
> I am currently using a before_filter on these actions which checks if
> the User ID stored in the session is the same as the params ID. If not,
> it silently redirects to the same action, but with their ID. For
> example, a request of from the application
> user logged in with an ID of 1 is redirected to
> So yeah, just curious what other people think about this issue.
> --
> Posted via
> >
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