Hi Jason,
I''m intrigued by your request but somewhat confused. It seems to me
that it would make more sense to hire a pro to do the first phase and
then hire an offshore company to expand it, considering the fact that
offshore developers are notorious for writing bad code.
just a thought.
On 2/13/07, Jason
> All,
> I am looking for a senior engineer in the NYC area. I want this person
> to be a part of my core development team as my company grows. We are
> currently funded, and have an off shore team delivering phase one of the
> product. You would be responsible for technical vision of the
> organization and maintaining the product.
> It is a wonderful opportunity and I am very flexible. This is not a full
> time gig yet..
> Let me know!
> Jason
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >
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