Grames Gernot
2005-Apr-26 05:58 UTC
Activate ingress policies on suse ent erpr ise serv er 9
Hi, The problem is this is my goal to use the policier and not the iptables. Because with the policier i think you can give more rules and restrictions to the incoming tcpip traffic. So I would prefer to use the policier and not the iptables. Thanks Gernot> GRAMES Gernot > __________________________________ > SIEMENS AG Austria > PSE SMC AI 21 > * Tel.: +43 (0) 5 1707 24356 > * FAX: +43 (0) 5 1707 54600 > * E-Mail: > Siemensstrasse 88 - 92 > A-1210 VIENNA > __________________________________ >-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Andy Furniss [] Gesendet: Montag, 25. April 2005 21:49 An: Grames Gernot Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: [LARTC] Activate ingress policies on suse ent erpr ise serv er 9 Grames Gernot wrote:> Hello, > > Maybe you can explain me the kernel selections a little bit more detailed! > Where can I find this? How to activate? Kernel Compilation necessary? How > compile? > > Sorry I am a beginner in this section.I think the easiest way for you to do it is not bother using policers to drop packets, but use iptables instead. If you use distros I can not tell you exactly what to do about compiling a new kernel as I use LFS and there are probably differences. If you really need to use policer say and I''ll tell you how I do them - but I really think what you want to do is best done with just iptables rules. Andy. _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list
Andy Furniss
2005-Apr-26 22:30 UTC
Re: Activate ingress policies on suse ent erpr ise serv er 9
Grames Gernot wrote:> > Hi, > > The problem is this is my goal to use the policier and not the iptables. > Because with the policier i think you can give more rules and restrictions > to the incoming tcpip traffic.You can limit with iptables aswell as drop.> > So I would prefer to use the policier and not the iptables.I just looked and AFAICT you will need a newer kernel than the 2.6.5 that your suse is using maybe suse do a more recent one - I don''t know about doing kernels on suse - you''ll have to see suse docs or ask on a suse group about doing kernels as you haven''t done it before. The option that you need selected after doing a make menuconfig is packet actions in Qos and/or fair queuing under networking options under networking support under Device drivers. When you select that you can then select policing actions and it will be the new policer. I don''t know where your current config is - but try and find it and use it as a base when doing a new kernel - you can load it from the make menuconfig menus. Andy.
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