Hey, all. I've got an office set up with Asterisk, and forwarding's got a bit of a glitch: When they forward, they listen for the remote phone to ring, then hang up. If the remote phone doesn't connect, it goes to the original phone's VM. Is this Polycom's "fault," or Asterisk's? I've been reading up on blind/supervised forwards, and, honestly, have myself more confused than when I started. If someone could give me a solid idea of how forwarding works, and a sample of how to send it to a remote extension, and have it *not* come back to the original extension, that'd be great. Thanks, -Ken
> Hey, all. I've got an office set up with Asterisk, and forwarding's > got > a bit of a glitch: > When they forward, they listen for the remote phone to ring, then > hang > up. If the remote phone doesn't connect, it goes to the original > phone's VM. Is this Polycom's "fault," or Asterisk's? I've been > reading up on blind/supervised forwards, and, honestly, have myself > more > confused than when I started. If someone could give me a solid idea > of > how forwarding works, and a sample of how to send it to a remote > extension, and have it *not* come back to the original extension, > that'd > be great.What you are describing is an attended call transfer not call forwarding. Call forwarding is a different feature.
On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Ken D'Ambrosio <ken at jots.org> wrote:> Hey, all. I've got an office set up with Asterisk, and forwarding's got a > bit of a glitch: > When they forward, they listen for the remote phone to ring, then hang up. > If the remote phone doesn't connect, it goes to the original phone's VM. > Is this Polycom's "fault," or Asterisk's? I've been reading up on > blind/supervised forwards, and, honestly, have myself more confused than > when I started. If someone could give me a solid idea of how forwarding > works, and a sample of how to send it to a remote extension, and have it > *not* come back to the original extension, that'd be great. >You said "forwarding" but described a process that sounds like call transfer. I'm going to assume you mean the latter? We just had a report of this from a customer on their own server. I haven't had time to investigate it. We have confirmed it with Grandstream and Cisco SPA phones, so it's not just Polycom. As far as the atxferdropcall someone suggested, I did try that and then the call is just dropped off into limbo. The caller is left on hold, and the nothing happens on the called extension or transfer-to extension. -- Carlos Alvarez TelEvolve 602-889-3003 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-users/attachments/20130515/7137a428/attachment.htm>
Possibly Parallel Threads
- Audiocodes Mediant 1000, Polycom, and no ringback on transfer
- FW: Polycom 501 issue with latest firmware : sluggish keys
- Asterisk 1.2.18 and Polycom phones not forwarding anymore
- Need qualifications of SIP trunk providers
- Is Asternic.net out of business (Flash Operator, Call Center Stats)?