Hi all, Does anybody know if there is a way to get observe_field to work with hidden_field? I have a series of drop-down <select> menus that guide the user through a narrowing series of options; each of these drop-downs relies upon observe_field to generate the next one an option is chosen. On some occasions, there may be only one option available, in which case there should not be a <select> drop-down but the name of the option is delivered inline, the value placed in a hidden form element, and the next drop-down should be generated. But observe_field doesn''t seem to work on a hidden field. Something like periodically_call_remote would work, except that (1) if needs to take a value to the controller, and (2) it should only happen once. This is what the view is looking like at the moment; observe_field, as noted, does not work with the results of the <else> branch. <% if @departments.length > 1 %> <%= select("article", "department_id", @departments.collect {|d| [d.department_name, d.id] }) %> <% else %> <%= h(@departments.first.department_name) %> <%= hidden_field("article", "department_id") %> <% end %> <%= observe_field("article_department_id", :frequency => 0.25, :update => "article_type", :url => { :action => "add_article_type" }, :with => "''department_id=''+value") %> My sleep deprivation thanks anyone who can help, Rob