i´m working on a page consisting of several components (film, star, interview) for retrieving specific data from a mysql-database. the view should look something like this: <div id="2cols"> <div id="2cols_leftcol"> <%= render_component :controller => "film", :action => "get_film" :params => { "id" => "1327" } -%> <%= render_component :controller => "star", :action => "get_star" :params => { "id" => "968" } -%> </div> <div id="2cols_rightcol"> <%= render_component :controller => "star", :action => "get_star" :params => { "id" => "745" } -%> <%= render_component :controller => "interview", :action => "get_interview" :params => { "id" => "145" } -%> </div> </div> now i want the user to be able to move and edit the components. e.g., moving the second component in "2cols_leftcol" up, or edit the first component in "2cols_rightcol" (changing the "id" to retrieve another star from the database). now my questions: 1. is this an appropriate method or is it "usually" done different with RoR? 2. how can i build an interface for the user to move and edit the components? any help is appreciated.