Hello, I''m trying to use the ActionController::Caching::Sweeping module (apache2 + mod+_fastcgi, but also webrick). Is it possible to test the caching in a ''safe environment'', where you always get the expected cache behaviour? I''m asking because I often get an unwanted behaviour, maybe even a misbehaviour. Or I don''t get the point of the documentation! ( The following text is reffering to the code snippets in http://w5.cs.uni-sb.de/~gogo/screenshots/rails/ ) Short version: =======I specified cache_sweeper :problem_sweeper, :only => [ :nothing ] in a controller, but also other actions from this controller expire the page cache for the ''list'' action (caches_page :list). I expected to see only ''nothing'' expiring the cache. Long versiion: =======I have a ProblemController and ONLY ONE action should expire the cached page ''list'' from all the actions that delete/add new entries to the database. http://w5.cs.uni-sb.de/~gogo/screenshots/rails/sweeper_test/app/controllers/problem_controller.rb That means altough ''add'',''save'', ''destroy'', ''blub'' and ''nothing'' add/delete one "problem entry" to/from the database, only the ''nothing'' action should expire the cached ''list'' action. Bu it happens nearly always, that all the other actions expire the cache ''list'' action ALTHOUGH :only has been specified. (Seems to be often the case after calling ''nothing'' which expires the cache as exected, and afterwards calling the other actions) What''s the proper way to configure webrick/apache to get the expected caching behaviour with Sweeping? Greetings, Robert