I''m stumped. Using the salted_login generated User scaffolding,
getting "Error creating account: confirmation email not sent".
It appears as if this error is actually occurring becuase the User is
never saved because the ''password'' field is being lost along
the way.
In the log, I see:
Processing UserController#signup (for at Fri May 06 14:48:07 CDT 2005)
"lastname"=>"Bar", "form"=>"edit",
SQL (0.068155) SELECT column_name, column_default,
character_maximum_length, data_type FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_catalog = ''playlist'' AND table_schema =
''public'' AND
table_name = ''users'';
SQL (0.030670) SELECT column_name, column_default,
character_maximum_length, data_type FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_catalog = ''playlist'' AND table_schema =
''public'' AND
table_name = ''users'';
SQL (0.001279) BEGIN
User Load (0.005470) SELECT * FROM users WHERE email
''doppler-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org'' LIMIT 1
User Load (0.004464) SELECT * FROM users WHERE login =
''foobar'' LIMIT 1
SQL (0.000000) ERROR C23502 Mnull value in column
"password" violates not-null constraint FexecMain.c L1732
RExecConstraints: INSERT INTO users ("salt", "role",
"firstname", "lastname", "token_expiry",
"verified", "login",
"password", "email")
VALUES(''dd2874bc55147dc5f52c124311c747b9feb767fd'', NULL, NULL,
''Bar'', NULL, 0, ''foobar'', NULL,
SQL (0.001194) ROLLBACK
Rendering user/signup within layouts/scaffold
Rendering layouts/scaffold (200 OK)
Completed in 0.20504 (4 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.02210 (10%) | DB: 0.11123 (54%)
Any ideas what may be going on here?