Excuse me for off topic Can you address me to how can I make some kind of captive portal with shorewall for internet cafe (I just need users first agree with terms of use and after they are gained full internet access). Up to now I use this script http://www.andybev.com/index.php/Using_iptables_and_PHP_to_create_a_captive_portalbut I''d like to switch or tie this with shorewall cause it''s more convenient Googling doesn''t help (found only one poor documented ITALIAN product here: http://www.openit.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&id=6&Itemid=63&lang=en ). Excuse me once again.. Regards Yury ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This SF.net email is sponsored by Make an app they can''t live without Enter the BlackBerry Developer Challenge http://p.sf.net/sfu/RIM-dev2dev