Xen users, I am getting measurements that show Fedora 16 HVM PVOPS kernels outperforming Fedora paravirtualized kernels, e.g. completing a benchmark in 167 secs versus 198 secs for the paravirtualized case. This is only for small hardware (4 core single socket, 16 GiB memory Intel server board) but it is surprising to me. Have things changed and PVOPS is now faster than paravirtualized or is this an unusual result that should be investigated further? Sincerely, John ---- What is the formal meaning of the one-line program #include "/dev/tty" J.P. McDermott building 12 Code 5542 john.mcdermott@nrl.navy.mil Naval Research Laboratory voice: +1 202.404.8301 Washington, DC 20375, US fax: +1 202.404.7942