I'd be willing to give this a try. What type of timeline are you expecting?
I can only offer doing this in my spare time, but it sounds like an interesting
project to work on. Will the development kit you provide include the camera
module and/or LCD?
On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 08:31:48AM -0800, Andrew Seddon
wrote:> Hi,
> If somebody is interested in having a crack at this (and think's they
have a reasonable chance of succeeding) then there is a dev kit up for grabs.
> John, we actually already have a LM9638 (1280x1024, B/W) image sensor
interfaced to the board. There is a colour version drop in replacement. We also
have a color QVGA TFT hooked up for video out.
> So a good demo system would be to capture video from the camera chip and
spew it out over the network post-compression (e.g a netcam!). The other way
around could stream over the network and dump to the LCD.
> Drop me an e-mail if you are interested.
> Cheers,
> Andrew Seddon(andrew.seddon@camsig.co.uk)
> Cambridge Signal Processing Ltd. (www.camsig.co.uk)
> TEL: +44 1354 742563
> FAX: +44 1354 740693
> On Friday 29 October 2004 01:17 pm, you wrote:
> > If someone is willing to step up to do the port (are you volunteering
> > for this, John?), by all means this sounds like an opportunity to jump
> > on. As I've said, the bitstream is frozen and documented, so
I'm not
> > sure how much more we need to be "ready". I'll be happy
to answer any
> > questions anyone has.
> Browsing to find a hardware module that might handle real-time encoding of
> video in theora format is something that I can do. Doing the port is out
> my league. Very sorry.
> According to http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS4405077268.html
> "The DSP Stamp comes preinstalled with a serial bootloader and
uClinux, and a
> development board is also available."
> I guess even if theora was ported to the DSP Stamp, there would also be the
> matter of connecting a video source to the development board to test the
> speed and quality of the compression. I'm pretty clueless about that,
> All I know is that compressing the video at the source, whether its a
> or a camcorder, makes a lot of sense because it so greatly reduces the
> downstream requirements for network bandwidth and storage.
> John
> > Are we interested, or ready for this? Andrew Seddon is offering to
> > hardware to port Theora to the DSP Stamp.
> If someone is willing to step up to do the port (are you volunteering
> for this, John?), by all means this sounds like an opportunity to jump
> on. As I've said, the bitstream is frozen and documented, so I'm
> sure how much more we need to be "ready". I'll be happy to
answer any
> questions anyone has.
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