Hi, I have installed R on a Windows 7 machine and wanted to offer a set of icons that are higher resolution than the existing icon.? The icon set uses the R logo available from this link: http://developer.r-project.org/Logo/ , specifically http://developer.r-project.org/Logo/Rlogo.svg .? The first icon is the entire R Logo, while the second icon is simply the R logo without the associated oval behind it.? The icons should scale in Windows 7 to 256x256 pixels, and will scale downwards, as well.? There are no jagged edges on the icons. I am offering these free and clear and for total use by the R project. We have a few faculty here that want to use R, and as I have been installing the software I noticed the low resolution icon. Creating a higher resolution icon is an easy task for me, so I created it and wanted to share it. I have uploaded the files here: http://www.somas.stonybrook.edu/downloads/Rprojecticons.zip Please let me know if there are any problems. There are four files contained within the .zip file: Rproject1.icns, Rproject1.ico, Rproject2.icns, Rproject2.ico. The .icns files are Mac-formatted icon files while the .ico files are Windows-formatted icon files. Again, the files were created using your previously posted logos, so I give them to you under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license. Thank you, Mark Lang School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Stony Brook University 133 Endeavour Hall Mark.lang at stonybrook.edu http://somas.stonybrook.edu