Hello Mates,
I just reciently updated BIND on my CentOS 6.2 (don't remember which
version) but now I am using version: BIND version 9.8.2
The packages I have:
First of all, doing "service named status" it throws me:
WARNING: key file (/etc/rndc.key) exists, but using default configuration
file (/etc/rndc.conf)
rndc: connection to remote host closed
This may indicate that
* the remote server is using an older version of the command protocol,
* this host is not authorized to connect,
* the clocks are not synchronized, or
* the key is invalid.
After a Google search I found:
to remove rdnc.key and it was suppose to be working ok. and I chown
named:named the file /etc/named.conf, now if I do "service named
it throws me:
version: 9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.10.rc1.el6_3.1
CPUs found: 4
worker threads: 4
number of zones: 17
debug level: 0
xfers running: 0
xfers deferred: 0
soa queries in progress: 0
query logging is OFF
recursive clients: 0/0/1000
tcp clients: 0/100
server is up and running
named (pid 1456) is running...
The thing is, whenever I want to check the domain name on intoDNS.com
service it says:
ERROR: One or more of your nameservers did not respond:
The ones that did not respond are:
and it show boths are bad, I thought may be a delay on propagate, but now I
have 2 hours waiting and still nothing. Any help?
Here is the /var/log/messages
Jul 25 00:17:57domain named[1456]: automatic empty zone: B.E.F.IP6.ARPA
Jul 25 00:17:57 domain named[1456]: automatic empty zone:
Jul 25 00:17:57 domain named[1456]: command channel listening on
Jul 25 00:17:57 domain named[1456]: command channel listening on ::1#953
Jul 25 00:17:57 domain named[1456]: zone domain.info/IN: loaded serial
Jul 25 00:17:57domain named[1456]: managed-keys-zone ./IN: loaded serial 3
Jul 25 00:17:57 domain named[1456]: running
Jul 25 00:17:57 domain named[1456]: zone domain/IN: sending notifies
(serial 1343174545)
Jul 25 00:17:57domain xinetd[1494]: xinetd Version 2.3.14 started with
libwrap loadavg labeled-networking options compiled in.
Jul 25 00:17:57 domainxinetd[1494]: Started working: 0 available services
P.S. I've tried removing the packages , reinstalling, stop using chroot,
Carlos Sura.-