---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Parth Gupta <parthg.88 at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: Letor: Post Mid-Term plan
To: Rishabh Mehrotra <erishabh at gmail.com>
Hi Rishabh,
I have updated the TODO section with the current state of refactoring
(*as> per my understanding*). It would be great if you could have a look at it
> and the current version of code so that I can discuss with you the next
> steps in filling in the remaining voids.
Great. We will soon have a meeting once I update my local code with the
current version in the repository (in 3-4 days). Its best to update the
repository every time you work on it so I get to see the path to grasp it
> - The implementation of Ranker class is left. I am not sure how this
> is to be integrated with the corresponding functions of ListMLE class.
> (need your insights here)
We would consider Ranker class as abstract, so we just need to declare the
methods in it and the derived classes of Ranker like ListMLE will implement
essential methods of Ranker class. In addition, ListMLE might have some
local methods which are required just for that class.
> *Immediate TODO:*
> - Implementations(/integration) of the Ranker class and updating the
> LetorInternals and QuestLetor for the refactored code.
> - Writing the tests for ListMLE (with real datasets).
> Great. We will also discuss the progress of these issues in the weekly
meeting on IRC this friday.
> Regards,
> Rishabh.
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 3:34 AM, Rishabh Mehrotra <erishabh at
>> Hi Parth,
>> I will correct the timeline and current status of things sometime today
>> and also update it accordingly in time, before we discuss the details
>> Saturday.
>> Thanks.
>> On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 8:02 PM, Parth Gupta <parthg.88 at
gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Rishabh,
>>> As per our previous discussion, we will talk each week now about
>>> project. Please update the timeline/todo/journal accordingly so
that we can
>>> check the status on this saturday for this week.
>>> Please remember that this half of the programme is smaller and
hence we
>>> would need to be very punctual about the goals.
>>> Regards,
>>> Parth.
>> --
>> Rishabh.
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