Is there any way to access to samba server via web, I mean that the users windows can access to samba server via web.
jcflores wrote:> Is there any way to access to samba server via web, I mean that the users > windows can access to samba server via web. > >You can access the server using SWAT, which listens on port 901. If you want to access file shares via the Internet, that's a different issue. Try Googling SMB over IP. If you want a web interface to file shares, that's not a Samba issue.
jcflores wrote:> Is there any way to access to samba server via web, I mean that the users > windows can access to samba server via web. >smbwebclient - works really nicely! Drop the script in somewhere that the web server will run it. Install smbclient on the web server. At the top of the script you'll see where you have to point it at your file server. There are 2 other changes you'll need to make to get it to run... For smbclient >= 3.2 Within smbwebclient.php need to change $cmdline = $this->cfgSmbClient.' '.$smbcmd.' '.$options.' -N '; to $cmdline = $this->cfgSmbClient.' '.$smbcmd.' '.$options; as the -N option now does something different!! ...and $cmdline .= ($dumpFile) ? '2>/dev/null' : '2>&1'; to $cmdline .= ($dumpFile) ? ' 2>/dev/null' : ' 2>&1'; -- Steve Rippl Technology Director Woodland Public Schools 360 225 9451 x326