?? Gentlemen, ?? I'm having the following problem: I can not see the [homes] share on the client machines. The server and clients are Linux machines. When typing 'wbinfo -t' on server, I do obtain: ------------------------------ ?root@SLAB:/home# wbinfo -t checking the trust secret via RPC calls failed error code was NT_STATUS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_NOT_FOUND (0xc0000233) Could not check secret ------------------------------- ?? And when I type 'wbinfo -u' on server, this is the result: -------------------------------- root@SLAB:/home# wbinfo -u Error looking up domain users -------------------------------- ?? I think those messages are strongly related to my problem (clients don't see their /home directory - just remember). So, anybody can help me, please????? --------------------------------------------- HELCIO WAGNER DA SILVA Novos endere?os, o Yahoo! que voc? conhece. Crie um email novo com a sua cara @ymail.com ou @rocketmail.com. http://br.new.mail.yahoo.com/addresses