Dear All, I have succefully configured a samba using ldap running on suse 10.1 to join a win 2k sp4 AD, All is working well, getent passwd, group, shadow i can even login to the linux bos using the AD user names But when a windows machine is accessing the SMB server it will browse the share drives but sometimes very slow, I have checked the smb log files and found that i have an error (almost for each and every file in the shared directory) Failed to verify incoming ticket ( some times if the linux box is restarted without issuing the "net ads join -U username" the error changes to username DOMAIN+windowsmachinename$ is invalid on this system i have googled every where it seems that many people are having the same problem but no one has posted any solution to that i have found a turned arround, to fix it and that was to manually create a username in /etc/passwd file for each and every machine in the domain (800 + users) i don't think this will be the optimal solution any ideas help Roy