Hi, I have a SAMBA server (Mandrake 10.1/samba 3.0.10) and that has a share named Music shall we say. I can mount the share (smb4k) and I see all files and all files show drwxrwxrwx (they are all folders accidently) On the server permissions are rwxrwxrwx When I create a folder or file from Linux (Client) the new file/folder gets drwxr-xr-x and I can not create anything in that folder. I need write acces beccause I create MP3 files from CD's and want my kids te be able to get to them. I have tried most settings in sm4k witout any luck Another strange this is that file on SAMBA that belong to "ron" show as if they belong to another member of my family. i.e. the UNIX userid on the SAMBA server is translated into the userid on the local client machine, I fiend that a BUG right? Someone of you have any idea? Regards Ron Deen