I've got a Samba 3.0.7 server pointed at an OpenLDAP 2.2.6 server for authentication. I'm not doing anything with domains and not using TLS. Most of the time everything works fine. However, occasionally users can't connect and this shows up in log.smbd [2004/12/16 14:52:41, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 1 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:42, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 2 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:43, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 3 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:44, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 4 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:45, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 5 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:46, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 6 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:47, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 7 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:48, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 8 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:49, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 9 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:50, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 10 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:51, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 11 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:52, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 12 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:53, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 13 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:54, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 14 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:55, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(936) Connection to LDAP server failed for the 15 try! [2004/12/16 14:52:57, 0] lib/smbldap.c:smbldap_search_suffix(1101) smbldap_search_suffix: Problem during the LDAP search: (unknown) (Timed out) While this is happening I can use ldapsearch to connect to the ldap server from the Samba server, authenticate with the same user Samba is using, and perform a successfull search. Any ideas where this "Timed out" is coming from? Jason Joines =================================