Lets say you alter the code.
What happens if the PID file is written, but Mongrel dies kicking off the Rails
app (because you have a problem with your Rails code)? Won''t god* then
think that your process is running when it isn''t? Isn''t this
false positiver worse than a couple false negatives?
Seems to me that if you can''t tell god* to wait long enough for your
process to start, maybe god* isn''t the answer...
=Will Green
John Joseph Bachir wrote ..> I''m using god* to monitor my mongrels. God looks at pid files to
> the status of the cluster. It seems as though mongrel does not write a
> pid file until it has loaded the entire rails/project environment,
> which in my case, takes upwards of 90 seconds. Meanwhile, god is
> freaking out because it thinks that there aren''t mongrels running,
> it tries to start them. Thankfully I can set god''s "grace
period" to 5
> minutes, so I only get one false restart, but it would be nice to have
> a different solution.
> Short of patching god the only thing I can think of is some sort of
> wrapper shell or ruby script that writes the pid ahead of time, but
> even then, the pid would conflict with when mongrel wants to write a
> pid-- I can''t think of a good way to delete the initial pid
"just in
> time".
> Any ideas are appreciated, or if the mongrel team is open to a patch
> to write the pid much earlier, I can try to put that together.
> Cheers,
> John
> * god.rubyforge.org
> --
> John Joseph Bachir
> blog.johnjosephbachir.org
> lyceum.ibiblio.org
> dissent.cc
> jjb.cc
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