search for: hotgazpacho

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "hotgazpacho".

2007 Nov 01
Mongrel 1.1
Hello Mongrels, Mongrel 1.1 is out with fullblown JRuby support, some reorganization, and some bugfixes. Also, Mongrel_cluster has been updated to 1.0.4. Go subscribe to the all-new news feed, because we probably won''t announce to the list anymore: Thanks Evan, and the Mongrel Team -- Evan Weaver Cloudburst, LLC
2007 Jul 06
503 Errors While Cluster Is Still Active
I''ve setup a new mongrel cluster on my VPS, and am noticing a lot if 503 errors if I try to hit the server too many times in succession in a few seconds. I''ve read that this is usually caused by the cluster crashing, but I haven''t been seen the cluster crash when I do this. Does anyone have any other ideas what might cause this? I have my server configured how
2007 Aug 19
Possible memory leak problem...
I''m trying to figure out a possible memory leak problem I have in my application. I''ve tested both with mongrel and webrick and the problem remains. So I think it''s not a mongrel problem, but I''m posting here to see if anybody can help me. The RAILS application is quite simple, no special plugins ( no RMagick that has the memory problem ),
2007 Apr 29
NoMethodError exceptions
I''m getting the following exceptions when running mongrel_rails. Any ideas what might be causing the problem? Error details... $ mongrel_rails /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-0.3.3/lib/mongrel/command.rb:168:in `run'': When creating '''': undefined method `downcase'' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from
2008 Jan 03
Interresting Changeset for Rails Trunk...
>From A native Mongrel handler has been introduced. This is so that it can be worked on independent of Mongrel?s release cycle (the Rails handler is currently in the Mongrel codebase). Jeremy Kemper (bitsweat) has already made a minor performance improvement by moving the mutex from the handler itself into the dispatcher.
2008 Jan 24
writing pid file earlier
I''m using god* to monitor my mongrels. God looks at pid files to know the status of the cluster. It seems as though mongrel does not write a pid file until it has loaded the entire rails/project environment, which in my case, takes upwards of 90 seconds. Meanwhile, god is freaking out because it thinks that there aren''t mongrels running, and it tries to start them. Thankfully I
2006 Jun 22
Capistrano with Local (not file:///) repository
I''m developing an rails app. The SVN repository resides on a (Win 2k) server on my company''s local intranet. The repository is accessed via http (Apache + mod_dav_svn). From this machine, it is not a problem to get out onto the Internet. However, coming in from the Internet is not possible (at least, not without a VPN connection). Given this, is it possible to use
2007 Oct 24
random cpu spikes, EBADF errors
In May I had problem with mongrels suddenly consuming huge cpu resources for a minute or two and then returning to normal (load average spikes up to 3.8and then back down to a regular 0.2 over the course of 5 minutes, then again 1/2 hour later. or 4 hours later, no predictable rhythm). I posted to Litespeed forums because I thought the problem was there but didn''t get far. And a week
2008 Jan 11
Mongrel doesn''t start under Rails 2.0.2/Win XP
All, Mongrel 1.1.3 Rails 2.0.2 Ruby 1.8.6 Windows XP SP2 When I issue the command "ruby script/server" from any of my Rails projects on v. 2.0.2, I get a Windows dialog with the error: "The application has failed to start because MSVCR80.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." I''ve gone through the process of attempting to introduce
2006 Nov 26
mongrel & apache on Win32
I am thinking about migrating a Java based Web Application to Ruby & Rails. Before I start the work I need more information about the runtime environment. I am forced to use Windows 2003 Server and I need SSL. My Java Web Apps all run on Apache 2.x with any of the many J2EE App Servers (Tomcat, Geronimo, etc...) an Windows without any problems. From reading the mongrel web-site I
2008 Jan 02
fastthread no longer needed?
I''m confused. Wasn''t threading fixed in 1.8.6, negating the need for fastthread? Why is fastthread still a requirement of Mongrel? Just curious. :)
2006 Jul 10
Capistrano on Windows - Send Binary File
So, I''m using TechnoWeenie''s recipe ( ) for using Capistrano to deploy to a remote machine when the SVN repository isn''t accessible over the Internet. I keep running into a problem, though, with put("code_update.tar.gz"), "code_update.tar.gz") When Cap