Hi everyone.
I've been looking into the subject of "printing" to PDF with Samba
in the
last couple of days.
Sorry to say that I wasted some time trying to figure out why the [print-pdf
generator] in smb.conf didn't work.
As always reading every comment carefully will pay off in terms of time
After I realized that with printing = cups in smb.conf samba ignores any
print command directive in a share I started looking for a solution.~
Some web searching tossed up a reference to setting printing = bsd on the
specific share to make print command relevant. The only problemwas that it
also mentioned Samba 3.03...
I'm using 3.02a but decided to give it a try, no luck.
So I decided to look to CUPS for an answer. I found that CUPS has the
ability to use diferent backend processes to printing, one of them included
is a backend called ... pdf.
After checking the script of this backend I found it worked, but was not
what I would like after looking at the possibilities in print-pdf.
It always puts the output file in the same location and there is no
notification to the user that it has finished and where the file is.
So I started making some changes and I've got a working version that puts
the output file in the user's home directory and notifies him like print-pdf
You can find the script below, I've put all changes I made between comment
lines like #EMR.
If anyone would like to use these changes feel free to do so, if you enhance
them please return me a copy of the improved version.
Eugenio Ruivo
# This script is intended to be used as a CUPS backend, to create
# PDF file on-the-fly. Just create a printer using the device uri
# pdf:/path/to/dir/. When printing to this printer, a PDF file
# will be generated in the directory specified. The file name will
# be either "<jobname>.pdf" or "unknown.pdf",
depending wether the
# jobname is empty or not.
# To use it, simply copy this script to your backend directory, and
# create a printer with the correct URI. That's it.
# Copyright (C) Michael Goffioul (goffioul@imec.be) 2001
# 2004-08-25, Eugenio Ruivo
# Made changes to try and identify user's home directory and place output
# file there instead of default location.
# Also send notification to user that file has "printed", to where and
# Since my users are in LDAP backend try to lookup Windows homedrive letter
to use in
# notification message else notifies with full server path to home
PDFBIN=`which ps2pdf`
# this is borrowed from printpdf script for the filename
PRINTTIME=`date +%b%d-%H%M%S`
echo "Executable: $PDFBIN" > $LOGFILE
echo "Arguments: |$1|$2|$3|$4|$5|$6|" >> $LOGFILE
ORIGIN_ER=`smbstatus -b -u $2|grep $2`
HOMEDIR_ER=`eval "echo ~$2"`
echo "" >> $LOGFILE
echo "Script Run by: $USER" >> $LOGFILE
echo "User is: $USER_ER" >> $LOGFILE
echo "Job Id is: $JOB_ER" >> $LOGFILE
echo "Origin is from: $ORIGIN_ER" >> $LOGFILE
echo "User's HomeDir is: $HOMEDIR_ER" >> $LOGFILE
echo "" >> $LOGFILE
PID_ER=`echo $ORIGIN_ER | cut -f1 -d ' '`
USERID_ER=`echo $ORIGIN_ER | cut -f2 -d ' '`
GROUPID_ER=`echo $ORIGIN_ER | cut -f3 -d ' '`
COMPUTER_ER=`echo $ORIGIN_ER | cut -f4 -d ' '`
IP_ER=`echo $ORIGIN_ER | cut -f5 -d ' ' | sed 's/(//' | sed
echo "PID is: $PID_ER" >> $LOGFILE
echo "UserID is: $USERID_ER" >> $LOGFILE
echo "Group ID is: $GROUPID_ER" >> $LOGFILE
echo "Computer is: $COMPUTER_ER" >> $LOGFILE
echo "IP Address is: $IP_ER" >> $LOGFILE
# case of no argument, prints available URIs
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
if [ ! -x "$PDFBIN" ]; then
exit 0
echo "direct pdf \"Unknown\" \"PDF Writing\""
exit 0
# case of wrong number of arguments
if [ $# -ne 5 -a $# -ne 6 ]; then
echo "Usage: pdf job-id user title copies options [file]"
exit 1
if [ "$HOMEDIR_ER" = ""]; then
# get PDF directory from device URI, and check write status
if [ ! -d "$PDFDIR" -o ! -w "$PDFDIR" ]; then
echo "ERROR: directory $PDFDIR not writable"
exit 1
echo "PDF directory: $PDFDIR" >> $LOGFILE
# generate output filename
if [ "$3" = "" ]; then
# OUTPUTFILENAME="$PDFDIR/${3//[^[:alnum:]]/_}.pdf"
# I changed this to user name, and the printtime to track down who
# printed the PDF and when, samba printing just uses nobody
#EMR Change to title-printtime.pdf since we will write to user's home dir
echo "PDF file: $OUTPUTFILENAME placed in: $PDFDIR" >> $LOGFILE
echo "Output file name: $OUTPUTFILENAME" >> $LOGFILE
# run ghostscript
if [ $# -eq 6 ]; then
#>& /dev/null
$PDFBIN - "$OUTPUTFILENAME" >& /dev/null
# modify ownership and permissions on the file
# - world readable
# - owns to user specified in argument
#EMR Change to only readable by user since it's in his homedir
#chmod a+r "$OUTPUTFILENAME"
if [ "$2" != "" ]; then
#EMR Change owner and group also
# chown $2 "$OUTPUTFILENAME"
#EMR Borrow idea from samba's print-pdf to notify user
# Lookup home drive letter
HOMEDRIVE_ER=`ldapsearch -x -LLL -b
"ou=Users,ou=Samba,dc=spel-parques,dc=pt" "(uid=emruivo)"
sambaHomeDrive |
grep sambaHomeDrive: | cut -f2 -d ' '`
# Check if we found our home drive in LDAP
if [ $HOMEDRIVE_ER = ""]; then
# Yes, give Windows style location of output file
MESSAGE="Your PDF file has been created as:\n$OUTPUTFILENAME"
# Just give path to file
MESSAGE="Your PDF file has been created as:\n$HOMEDRIVE_ER\\$3.pdf"
echo -e $MESSAGE|smbclient -M $COMPUTER_ER -I $IP_ER -U "Print PDF
Service">/dev/null 2>&1
exit 0