We are in the process of updating samba on our Solaris servers from (2.0.5)
to (3.0.2)
I have completed one host and all seems to working ok.
However I have noticed that for both versions of samba, as users map shares
the smbd process which starts can be either own by root or the users id.
This seems to be random.
Can anyone shed light as to what controls the owner of this process. This is
happening across all boxes on our site and both versions of samba.
Brian Conway
This email has been scanned for all known viruses and appropriate content by the
Messagelabs mail service.From Peter.Nyberg at dbb.su.se Thu Apr 1 15:24:54
From: Peter.Nyberg at dbb.su.se (Peter Nyberg)
Date: Thu Apr 1 14:48:42 2004
Subject: [Samba] Howto join Samba-3.0.2a server to a ldapv3
In-Reply-To: <406C1903.3030706@ae-solutions.com>
References: <1080814806.406becd6e76fe@wm.dbb.su.se>
Message-ID: <1080833094.406c3446d3e7e@wm.dbb.su.se>
Thanks for you answere. It helps.
Then I assume I have to install the whole package of krb and ldap. There's
development libraries for either tarball or tgz (slackware package) like rpm
have or is there? Is it possible to install the library part inside the
full package ("/openldap/library" for ldap and
"/krb/src/lib" for krb)? In that
case can I just copy that directory between the servers and run make &&
install? As you can see I'm a newbie here.
Ones again thank u v m!
Peter Nyberg
Institutionen f?r Biokemi och Biofysik
Arrheniusv?gen 12
Tel: 08-16 24 69
Mobil: 070 339 24 69
Fax 153679
Quoting Paul Gienger <pgienger@ae-solutions.com>:
> You need to have the development libraries for the krb and ldap packages
> available on your system to link against.
> Samba will be doing the communicating to those network servers, so they
> need to have the libraries to link against. The rest of the system will
> use pam to talk through samba, rather than doing it by itself. That's
> the beauty of pam, you can make a module to authenticate against
> anything you want, and the system doesen't care how you're doing
it, as
> long as it returns account data. In this case it's the same thing,
> samba will talk to whatever backend you feed it, which apparently would
> be ldap, so you need to give samba enough knowlege to go find the server.
> Peter Nyberg wrote:
> >Hi all I really need some help here!
> >All howtos seams to handle thing if one is going to install everything
> one
> >single computer.
> >I've a fully functioning empty ldav3 Slackware server with
> >Berkeley DB-4.2 ,mit krb5, cyrus-sasl, openssl. Everything seams to
> fine.
> >Now I would like to add Samba-3 on separate Slackware computer to the
> ldapv3
> >server. I've installed Linux-PAM and openssl. Now to my questions:
> >Do I need any other packages?
> >When I use ./configure --with-ads --with-ldap --with-krb5 it complains
> about
> >missing packages. Do I need them or is it possible for PAM and smb.conf
> >handle all comunication between the servers?
> >I whan't to make a samba server with kerberos as password backend
> openldap
> >as an computer, group and user back end. Is this possible?
> >
> >It don't have to be an AD. As long as it use kerberos and ldap
backend and
> not
> >smbpass I'm happy.
> >
> >Please help me in the right direction!!!!
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >
> >
> >Peter Nyberg
> >Institutionen f?r Biokemi och Biofysik
> >Arrheniusv?gen 12
> >Tel: 08-16 24 69
> >Mobil: 070 339 24 69
> >Fax 153679
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Paul Gienger Office: 701-281-1884
> Applied Engineering Inc. Cell: 701-306-6254
> Information Systems Consultant Fax: 701-281-1322
> URL: ae-solutions.com mailto:pgienger@ae-solutions.com