I am using Samba 2.0.6 to backup NT shares to my SunOS server using Amanda, however, I frequently get a lot of error messages. Here are some examples: ? code 0 opening remote file \\marh1\\User Work Area\\Daily Slides\\2003\\Briefcopy.ppt (\\marh1\\User Work Area\\Daily Slides\\2003\\) ? ERRDOS - ERRbadfid listing \\\\marh12\\\\User Work Area\\\\* ? ERRDOS - ERRbadfid opening remote file \\marh1\\User Work Area\\Daily Slides\\2003\\Feb 03.msg (\\marh1\\User Work Area\\Daily Slides\\2003\\) ? Expected SMBtrans2 response, got command 0x2d ? Error reading file \\marh1\\Application Data\\db query results\\natrep01_upgrade.log : ERRDOS - ERRbadpath ? Didn't get entire file. size=481, nread=0 ? code 0 listing \\marh1\\* ? Expected SMBtrans2 response, got command 0x2d ? ERRDOS - ERRbadfile listing \\marh10\\* ? Expected SMBtrans2 response, got command 0x2d ? ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess opening remote file \\marh12\\Application Data\\ (\\marh12\\Application Data\\) ? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \\marh12\\Application Data\\backups\\* ? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath opening remote file \\marh12\\Application Data\\Book1.xls (\\marh12\\Application Data\\) ? Expected SMBtrans2 response, got command 0x04 ? code 0 listing \\marh11\\* sendbackup: error [/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient got signal 11] Can anyone tell me if these errors are related, and how I can get rid of them. (Everytime I get these errors, my backup fails!) Thanks, Julian