> Antwort: [Samba] Printerassistent.
> * To: samba at listsdotsambadotorg
> * Subject: Antwort: [Samba] Printerassistent.
> * From: StefandotIven at voessingdotde
> * Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 16:35:35 +0100
> Hello Kurt,
> first I like to thank you that you try to help me.
> I will try to explain my problem exactly.
> Here is what I have done.
> I set up Samba as an PDC.
> I generated shares and printershares.
> I browsed my network over the Networkneighborhood down to my Sambaserver.
> There I can see all File and Printershares.
> I doubleclicked
Which client Win OS are you using?
> the printerfolder where I then can see only shared printers
> and one folder calld new printer.
> I then rightclicked a shared printer and went to the process for uploading
> the printerdriver in the Sambaserver.
> So far so good. Everything is ok. No errors
> Now i will install the printer on the client machine.
> One way is to browse the Networkneighborhood.
> So I browsed one folder up, there where I can see printer- and fileshares.
> I rightclick the printer for wich I first installed the drivers in the
> server and choosed connect.
> The drivers were downloaded from the server and printer is installed an the
> client.
> The client is able to print correctly.
> Browsing the Network is one way to install a printer on a client.
And this is the recomended way in the HOWTO....
> An other way to install a printer on a client is to use the controlpanal.
Well, at least in the HOWTO this is nowhere recommended... (It is even in
a pure MS Windows environment a much slower way to do it, if you have
more than a few dozen PCs and printers...)
This doesn't say that there might not be a bug with that part of the
Samba-Code, however...)
> So I clicked the startbutton on the client, went to the controlpanel,
> clicked Printers, clicked Add new Printer,
> choosed Networkprinter, left the printername empty to search for the
> printer, clicked continue button,
> and then --> there I can see the domain, some clients wich belong to the
> domain and wich offers printer,
> but not my samba server.
You'd need to post your smb.conf (minus comments) to get more advice
on that....
> I hope you now understand what I mean.
> Today I tried with Suse Sles8, the
> newest updates, but still the same problem.
> 2.2.8a worked right, but I'm not able to get this running with Samba3.
> I realy hope that I now have exactly explained what I mean.
> Thanks a lot, and I hope to hear you.
> MfG Stefan