Bryant, Phillip -AES
2003-Oct-27 16:05 UTC
[Samba] Re: samba 2.27 as print server and msg72613.html
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 21:30:40 -0500 From: "Robert" <> Subject: [Samba] Re: samba 2.27 as print server To: Message-ID: <bncna4$orb$> My original post is [global] workgroup = Popstar netbios name = Paint-Roller server string = Print Server (Samba %v) interfaces = eth0 bind interfaces only = Yes encrypt passwords = Yes min passwd length = 0 null passwords = Yes log level = 10 log file = /etc/samba/logs/smblog-%m.txt announce version = 4.0 name resolve order = wins bcast time server = Yes deadtime = 45 socket options = SO_KEEPALIVE TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=8192 SO_RCVBUF=8192 wins server = hosts allow = username map = /etc/samba/usernames.cfg preferred master = Yes domain master = Yes local master = Yes printing = lprng print command = lpr -U%u -P%p -r %s lpq command = lpq -U%u -P%p lprm command = lprm -U%u -P%p %j lppause command = lpc -U%u hold %p %j lpresume command = lpc -U%u release%p %j queuepause command = lpq -U%u stop %p queueresume command = lpq -U%u start %p [ipc$] path = /tmp hosts allow = hosts deny = [Lexmark] comment = "Lexmark Z22 Color JetPrinter" use client driver = yes path = /etc/samba/printers/Lexmark printable = Yes ----------------------------+ Please help. Thanks in advance. In looking at your smb.conf settings, I'm assuming you have the Lexmark print drivers installed on each client. Win95 systems automatically install a local driver, but NT systems want to spool from an NT server by default. With the "use client driver = yes" you are telling the clients to look for a local Lexmark driver and to spool from the client machine. You won't be spooling from your samba server. With the NT clients you wouldn't necessarily need the samba printer if they have a local driver, you could TCP/IP print or communicate directly with the unix LPD service if you've got the LPR drivers from Microsoft. Phillip M. Bryant ITT Industries, Advanced Engineering and Sciences Network Administrator Albuquerque, NM 87120 Ph 505-889-7016 Cell 505-385-8668 MCSE 2000, NT 4.0 MCP+I ************************************ This email and any files transmitted with it are proprietary and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of ITT Industries, Inc. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. ITT Industries accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email. ************************************
Thanks for responding. I created the printer$ share so that I could upload the priner drivers. I got it to the point where I could "point and click" to install the driver off the server. The lexmark driver was initially installed on the 2k and xp clients. I had the "use client driver = yes" because I had problems with the print queue saying "access denied". What kind of printers do you have? Models, etc. For the lexmark printer, I just end up getting 0 byte spool files. What options did you use to compile samba? Thanks. [global] workgroup = Popstar netbios name = Paint-Roller server string = Print Server (Samba %v) interfaces = eth0 bind interfaces only = Yes encrypt passwords = Yes min passwd length = 0 null passwords = Yes log level = 10 log file = /etc/samba/logs/smblog-%m.txt announce version = 4.0 name resolve order = wins bcast time server = Yes deadtime = 45 socket options = SO_KEEPALIVE TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=8192 SO_RCVBUF=8192 wins server = hosts allow = username map = /etc/samba/usernames.cfg preferred master = Yes domain master = Yes local master = Yes printing = lprng print command = lpr -U%u -P%p -r %s lpq command = lpq -U%u -P%p lprm command = lprm -U%u -P%p %j lppause command = lpc -U%u hold %p %j lpresume command = lpc -U%u release%p %j queuepause command = lpq -U%u stop %p queueresume command = lpq -U%u start %p [ipc$] path = /tmp hosts allow = hosts deny = [Lexmark] comment = "Lexmark Z22 Color JetPrinter" use client driver = yes path = /etc/samba/printers/Lexmark printable = Yes ----------------------------+ In looking at your smb.conf settings, I'm assuming you have the Lexmark print drivers installed on each client. Win95 systems automatically install a local driver, but NT systems want to spool from an NT server by default. With the "use client driver = yes" you are telling the clients to look for a local Lexmark driver and to spool from the client machine. You won't be spooling from your samba server. With the NT clients you wouldn't necessarily need the samba printer if they have a local driver, you could TCP/IP print or communicate directly with the unix LPD service if you've got the LPR drivers from Microsoft.