Przemysław Biernat
2003-Jun-15 23:00 UTC
[Samba] My big problem with samba. Please help me
I would like on beginning to apologize for my lousy English, practically lack English, I use with translates program. I have with samba following problem. What programme in computer shop be used to putting out bills, such small base of data of goods they are in shop. This programme is under DOS, he be written in language Clipper. Base of data of this programme is on server because several computers use with her. If server is on Novell it is well. If on Samba, then programme on one computer sie starts, however it on second hangs. It the man who wrote this programme tells, that then the fault of samba. According to him samba does not serve the sharing the records of base of data and Novell it serves. Do then truth ? If so this or the the newest version of samba serves already this or or one it was possible then to walk round ? I send text in Polish language also, someone can with state it knows Polish. I thanks for help. I send greetings from Poland. Chcia?bym na pocz?tku przeprosi? za m?j kiepski angielski, praktycznie brak angielskiego, pos?uguj? si? translatorem. Mam nast?puj?cy problem z samb?. W sklepie komputerowym jest u?ywany program do wystawiania rachunk?w, taka ma?a baza danych towar?w jakie znajduj? si? w sklepie. Ten program jest pod DOS, jest napisany w j?zyku Clipper. Baza danych tego programu jest na serwerze, bo korzysta z niej kilka komputer?w. Je?li serwer jest na Novell jest dobrze. Je?li na Samba, wtedy program na jednym komputerze sie uruchamia, natomiast na drugim si? zawiesza. Cz?owiek, kt?ry napisa? ten program m?wi, ?e to wina samby. Wed?ug niego samba nie obs?uguje wsp??dzielenia rekord?w bazy danych a Novell obs?uguje. Czy to prawda ? Je?li tak to czy najnowsza wersja samby ju? to obs?uguje lub czy mo?na to obej?? ? Przesy?am tekst r?wnie? w j?zyku polskim, mo?e kto? z pa?stwa zna polski. Z g?ry dzi?kuje za pomoc. Przesy?am pozdrowienia z Polski. -- Przemyslaw Biernat (Melwin) Admin of Ogrodowa Network ### ### ICQ:58723474 ### GG:546443 ### Tlen:melwin ### WPKontakt:mmelwin
It sounds like you need the betrieve program loaded. If I recall Novell could do some record locking without btrieve but handle it like btrieve. I run a DOS database on Samba at a school that was first rn on Novell and had the same problem when we switched to Samba inserting Btrieve took care of the problem (Btrieve was actaully wrote by Novell for DOS). This is what our batch file looks like that starts our records database btrieve /m:64 /p:4096 /f:40 /t:student.trn /e stu bstop Hope this helps Tom On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 01:00:02 +0200, Przemys?aw Biernat wrote> I would like on beginning to apologize for my lousy English, > practically lack English, I use with translates program. I have with > samba following problem. What programme in computer shop be used to > putting out bills, such small base of data of goods they are in > shop. This programme is under DOS, he be written in language > Clipper. Base of data of this programme is on server because several > computers use with her. If server is on Novell it is well. If on > Samba, then programme on one computer sie starts, however it on > second hangs. It the man who wrote this programme tells, that then > the fault of samba. According to him samba does not serve the > sharing the records of base of data and Novell it serves. Do then > truth ? If so this or the the newest version of samba serves already > this or or one it was possible then to walk round ? > > I send text in Polish language also, someone can with state it knows > Polish. I thanks for help. I send greetings from Poland. > > Chcia?bym na pocz?tku przeprosi? za m?j kiepski angielski, > praktycznie brak angielskiego, pos?uguj? si? translatorem. Mam > nast?puj?cy problem z samb?. W sklepie komputerowym jest u?ywany > program do wystawiania rachunk?w, taka ma?a baza danych towar?w > jakie znajduj? si? w sklepie. Ten program jest pod DOS, jest > napisany w j?zyku Clipper. Baza danych tego programu jest na > serwerze, bo korzysta z niej kilka komputer?w. Je?li serwer jest na > Novell jest dobrze. Je?li na Samba, wtedy program na jednym > komputerze sie uruchamia, natomiast na drugim si? zawiesza. Cz?owiek, > kt?ry napisa? ten program m?wi, ?e to wina samby. Wed?ug niego > samba nie obs?uguje wsp??dzielenia rekord?w bazy danych a Novell obs?uguje. > Czy to prawda ? Je?li tak to czy najnowsza wersja samby ju? to > obs?uguje lub czy mo?na to obej?? ? > > Przesy?am tekst r?wnie? w j?zyku polskim, mo?e kto? z pa?stwa zna polski. > Z g?ry dzi?kuje za pomoc. > Przesy?am pozdrowienia z Polski. > > -- > Przemyslaw Biernat (Melwin) Admin of Ogrodowa Network > ### > ### > ICQ:58723474 ### GG:546443 ### Tlen:melwin ### WPKontakt:mmelwin > > -- > To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the > instructions: Internet Service Provided By Abyss Communications Internet Service only $10 a month 1-866-842-2977